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Are you tired of the uncertainty in pricing your photography services? Ever wondered how to craft packages that not only attract your ideal clients but also keep them coming back year after year?

Kelly from Kelly Jordan Photography has built a business focused on photographing clients from birth through all stages of life.

Her secret? Tailored packages that span milestones or last a year or more, building trust and delivering cherished heirlooms they can’t get enough of. Make it a no brainer, an an offer too good to refuse.

Understanding your ideal client means designing packages that speak directly to their needs. And here’s the best part: once clients engage with us, they rarely look elsewhere. They keep returning, milestone after milestone, year after year.

In this masterclass, Kelly unveils her workflow using Studio Ninja, making it easy to set up packages, payments, and client management systems for a seamless experience.

Plus, learn how to keep finances in-house, maximizing revenue without external finance companies. (This can be replicated with other CRM’s)

Maintaining contact with your clients build your relationship with your clients throughout the duration of the package period, by put automations in your workflow tasks to do this for you.

Hope you enjoyed the masterclass

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