How to create a Masterclass

What is a PPBN Masterclass?

It is a pre-recorded 30 to 60 minute video training, laser-focused on a specific topic and taught by you.

Masterclasses are informative and actionable with the goal of providing great value to premium PPBN members including expert insights and advice, actionable strategies, demonstratable blueprints, formulas and templates.

We like these pieces of training to be highly actionable, so we aim to deliver 5 key takeaways they can implement straight away.

Once recorded, they are added to our Masterclass library – kinda like “Netflix” for Photographers – and available to premium PPBN Members.

Training is typically in a slide presentation format with a video of you presenting so people can see you speak. Where what you’re explaining is better delivered “visually”, please include a video of that – eg software walkthroughs, posing demonstrations etc.

Content should be fresh, original, not published anywhere else and must not contain self-promotion in the video. However, if you have a course or service that would be of interest to our members, there will be an opportunity to offer a special deal and info with the content accompanying the video.

Do you have any examples?

Absolutely, If you are a PPBN Member go to your dashboard, click on “Masterclass” on the left hand side to see ALL of the available Masterclasss.

Here are some great examples for you to look at.


What tech do I need and how do I record the Masterclass?

Camera –  Videos should be recorded in 1080p HD, 16:9, 30 frames per second and delivered via Dropbox as an MP4.

Microphone – You can use a podcasting mic (Blue Yeti) or even your Airpods are pretty good

Lighting – Well-lit area and take note of what behind you 

Recording Software – You can use Zoom, or your favourite software to record the video.

Slidedeck – We have created a slide deck to ensure that all masterclasses are consistent here is the link. Make a copy of this file. Please don’t request permission to access this as it’s just the template.

THE PPBN Slidedeck Template MUST be used for the Masterclass to keep everything on brand:

What’s the timeline?

As soon as possible… lol. We are hoping to get Masterclass out on a schudles regular basis. If you could give us a rough ETA with a date that would be great so we can plan for the masterclass to go live.

What topic do you want me to talk about and can you help with planning?

Absolutely! We’re happy to help flush out ideas and the structure of the training. 

What’s in it for you?

As a THANK YOU for your time and expertise (because we REALLY REALLY appreciate it!), we’d love to offer a complimentary 6 Month Professional Membership with PPBN valued at $250 OR a once-off payment of $250. Completely up to you!

If you have a course or service that aligns with our members, delivering a Masterclasses positions you as an “expert” in front of our 4,800 strong Facebook Community and over 200 premium paying members. We launched in May and are sustainably growing at 10% per month.

However, our ultimate aim is to simply find experts who believe in “Community over Competition” and, like us, are passionate about championing our industry.

Organising Deliverables

Once you have recorded and collected the information please email it to [email protected]

  1. The Masterclass Video File – The Finished file of the video needs to be completely edited and ready to be uploaded to the site.
  2. Masterclass write-up – A short description to share on the class page and socials
  3. Headshot – To use as a tile for your class. In landscape format.
  4. Bio – We would love an updated bio so people know who you are. 
  5. links – Send over links to websites, socials, courses, etc.

Your next step?

If you’d love to be part of our vibrant community of photographers and help us champion the Photography Industry, please let us know!

Click here to schedule a quick chat, brainstorm some ideas and come up with a plan

or Email us at [email protected]

Can’t wait to do awesome things together!